Making Progress Without Worrying if You’re Far Enough Along.

Are you working towards something and frustrated with where you’re at? Do you keep thinking that you should be ‘further along’ than where you currently are?

If the answer is a yes, this blog post is geared towards you.

We human beings are an increasingly impatient race. How often do we find ourselves losing our temper because something isn’t exactly how we envisioned? Let’s see a show of hands….yep thought so, me included. We are so used to getting things on demand that when we work towards something, we demand instant satisfaction so I don’t blame any one of us for getting confused and frustrated when trying to attain something that doesn’t follow the on-demand narrative.

Take losing weight for example. My god, how frustrating is it to lose weight! Especially when, if you’re anything like me, you enjoy getting intimate with cake (mind out of the gutter please, this isn’t American Pie!). You see, that’s just one example of a goal that is anything but on demand and it isn’t a linear path to success either! Lots of ups, downs and nights crying into a tub of ben and jerry’s cookie dough wondering why it’s so hard!

Trust me, I’m struggling with this at the moment. Me and the missus are currently getting things sorted for our move to Singapore, and we thought we had got things sorted so we can relax up to the big day. But, lo-and-behold, more admin duties arise because god forbid, we shouldn’t let Dominos pizza know we’ve changed address!

Right, that’s enough ranting. If you are working towards a goal and feel that you should be making more progress, read my tips below that have been helping me, so hopefully you get value from them too.

1. Realise That Any Action at All Is Better Than No Action.

When water doesn’t flow, it stagnates. Without action, you will too. A little action every day will work wonders towards your goals. It doesn’t have to be a marathon 9-hour session but can be as little as 15-30 minutes, as long as you are consistent (daily, or almost). Who knows what spark might happen in that time? Even if this action leads you to a point where you are no closer to your goal, at least you can learn from that and not do it again. From there, progress is made. Imagine if no action was taken. You wouldn’t have the knowledge acquired by actually putting things into practice. This is especially helpful in exorcising any demons that may haunt you when you believe you’re not making any progress.

2. Set SMART Goals to Ensure You Are On Track.

Ensuring your goals are SMART will give you a greater chance of accomplishing them. Smart stands for:


If a goal is vague rather than specific, how are you going to fully know you have achieved what you set out to? Make sure to define clear goals with clear milestones to achieve along the way. Each milestone, for example, could be what you specifically want to achieve at the end of each month or by your next birthday.

Is your goal measurable? In other words, can you track your progress? Can you quantify it? For example, if you have a vague goal of I want to sell more stuff. That can’t be properly quantified as a measurable goal. Whereas if your goal is to sell 200 t -shirts by 25th August of that year, that is a quantifiable goal as you have a number to measure your progress against.

Attainability or achievability, is a must-have for goal setting. What’s the point in setting a goal if it’s not attainable? You’re just not going to be motivated enough to go for it if you know you are doomed from the beginning. A silly, unattainable goal (for arguments sake) would be “My goal is to write an entire novel by tomorrow” whereas a more attainable goal would be “To brainstorm some ideas for my novel by 8pm tomorrow and shortlist my favourites” this is much more attainable and specific too (i.e. the deadline), which will lead to the next goal and the next, until the ultimate goal of completing the novel is achieved. Conversely, if a goal is too easily attainable your motivation to achieve will be low, because you won’t have to work hard towards it. Set yourself a goal that is a reasonable challenge.

Realistic. Similar to the above notion of attainability. Is this goal of yours seriously realistic to you personally? Do you have, or can you develop the skillset needed to accomplish what you need? Making goals that are realistic to you as an individual will ensure you stay more focussed and motivated.

Time-bound. Can the goal be achieved within a specific timeframe? Let’s face it, deadlines are a kind of love-hate relationship but I would say we all need them. Deadlines ensure there’s just enough pressure on us to accomplish a task. Without them, we’ll most likely just ignore the work we’re meant to be doing and will spend our waking hours watching fail compilations on YouTube. An example would be “By 10pm tonight I will have completed……….”, write it down if you need to as a reminder. Just make sure that you stick to it.

3. Feeling Like You’re Floundering is Normal.

Things take time. The path to success is hardly ever linear and straight forward. It’s often a roller-coaster with highs, lows, tears and hair pulling. It is completely normal to feel like you are floundering but don’t worry. It’s part of the process to feel like this and believe you’re not progressing. Does a body builder get ripped overnight? Nope. Does a body builder see results after a month? Hhhmmm maybe a tiny bit. Does the body builder see results after 6 months of consistent daily work towards his goal? Yep! You wouldn’t believe the amount of people who attempt to achieve something only to get disheartened when they don’t see immediate success. Keep at it, and you will see progress.

4. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

This one is quite possibly the biggest dream killer, followed very closely by the bonus tip below. We are all on our own individual journey in this world, and yes people come and go along the way. However, to compare your progress to someone else’s is a great exercise in time wasting that serves no one and takes the focus from you and what you are meant to be working towards. So-what if someone already has a travel blog? So-what if Dave from next door has just bought a new Audi? And so-what that someone you know has just passed their driving test first time and you are on your third attempt. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep……. moving………forward.

Bonus Tip: Don’t Listen to the Naysayers.

Ah, other people. Aren’t they just the best! Well, no, not all the time they’re not. Far from it to be honest. Other people can be dream killers. How many times have you heard the story where someone has a passion that they want to pursue, only for their parents to disapprove and coerce them onto something more ‘acceptable’ or how about those who have started a new business venture only to be told it won’t work by people who are jealous and are threatened by other people’s dedication.

Finding people who are supportive can be a challenge too, especially if friends and family are a no-go. Try to search for groups on Facebook or etc, or anywhere you believe people congregate, and chat to people who are on a similar journey to you. To bring the body building example back again, you can seek out forums to gain hints, tips and motivation. If your goal is to get the best-looking flowerbed in the region there will be groups online or locally. Seek these people out because knowing that there are other people on a similar journey to you is a relieving feeling and validates your goals that little bit more.

I get it though, caring about what other people think is natural but is something that you have to practice avoiding. The more you care about what other people think, the more insecure you will be in your own judgement and the more your goal will either become THEIR goal or it won’t manifest into anything at all. This will ensure that you don’t progress, and that’s a bad thing.

You need to worry about what YOU are doing. If you choose to think about things negatively then that is what you will get and you will most likely fail in your quest. Practice daily to think about things positively instead, and that you will achieve what you set out to, even if it takes longer than you wanted.

OK, so I’m rambling, again. In essence, what I’m trying to say is, stick to your guns. Work for what you want in this life and as long as you take consistent action, you have a greater chance of success and this will take your mind off thinking if you are far enough along, because you will be more content.

Stay Confident,


If you enjoyed reading this blog post, check out my other posts concerning other confidence related matters.

Confidence Secrets of People Who Like to Travel

Hello there fellow travel enthusiast or travel enthusiast to-be, or maybe even, person who just stumbled on this blog looking for something to read. I want to ask you an honest question: Have you ever wondered what is over the horizon from where you currently live? Or have you always wanted to visit somewhere but for some reason you just never did? Maybe you saw a picture of somewhere online or on a post card and thought ‘I really want to go there!’ Those azure seas met with white beaches lined with palm trees or vast wildernesses with incredible wildlife that you only ever see on T.V. Of course, you did! Everyone is like that.

However, not everybody does it, primarily due to a lack of confidence or money. As long as you have a job, the money side of this equation is fairly easily solvable, but what about the confidence building side? Quite often, buying the ticket can be the hardest part (especially for us Yorkshire folk who are notoriously tight-fisted with money, am i right fellas!) as you are paying to put yourself into the unknown, and the mere thought of getting on a plane can be daunting. But once you have the ticket bought you can rest assured that things are going to drastically change for your confidence levels from here on.

Develops You as a Person

Travelling is a first-class ticket out of your comfort zone. It may even be the first time you have gotten on a plane, train or boat.
You are going somewhere unfamiliar and that is both slightly terrifying and exciting. You are met with all manner of situations that mould you into a different person, making you more adaptable as you cope in different environments and situations, e.g when staying in a hostel room with 11 other people, when getting lost in an unfamiliar city, or simply navigating the tube system. This familiarity with the unknown helps you assess new experiences confidently where others may crumble.

You are Always Learning

Culture makes up a big part of why countries are the way they are and how people act and think and interact with each other. Learning about the culture of the country you are visiting broadens your knowledge and gives you opportunities to take part in cultural practices. A great example of this is La Tomatina, the Spanish festival where tomatoes are thrown at each other. Yes, it’s a waste of food but it does look a lot of fun. There’s also the chance to learn about cultural and historical heroes, or to learn about the history and geography of the region you are in by visiting galleries and museums. This all allows you to be more confident in conversations regarding the places and practices you experience, as you have actively lived them.

You are Always Exploring

The sun is shining, you’re up early, you’ve got your sun screen on and have a map in hand (old school). You are ready to leave your hotel/hostel/Airbnb to start a day of new sounds, smells and experiences. This spark of intrigue makes you feel like a kid again and it’s exciting. Dating back to early explorers who would venture out for months on-end on a ship, we still get a kick out of exploration and looking to see ‘what’s over there?’

Travelling Makes You More Interesting

Having all these experiences not only broadens your mind and horizons, but they also give you stories to tell people. These stories can be told to fellow travelers along your journey or people who hang on your every word once you are back home. Just imagine the look on people’s faces when you tell them you snorkeled on the Great Barrier Reef, or trekked through a jungle in Indonesia, or even visited an island overrun with cats! You could very well inspire others to travel as a result of your photos and stories. People who travel as a result of your stories puts you as a story-telling figurehead and they may often come to you with questions on best places to visit, or how to make preparations for travelling. How much more confident do you reckon you would be if you knew people looked to you for advice and information?

Meeting New People

This is one of my favourites. This world is made up of all manner of people with different upbringings, cultures, viewpoints on life and communicating with as many different people as possible will develop your communicative skills (especially when speaking to people whose native language isn’t your own) to the point where the people you left back home won’t recognise this new version of you, and that’s a good thing. Self-development ensures we change into better versions of ourselves. There’s a very real chance you will make friends for life at every single place you stop at, ensuring you stay there long enough to talk to people in some depth. Having friends from all over the world is enriching, improves communicative confidence and ensures you have a couch to sleep on whenever you are in the neighborhood, saving you $$$ on hotels.


Once we become ‘know-it-all’ teenagers we pretty much want to have our own independence, right? Well, when travelling you are all you have for the most part and every decision (or most of them if travelling with a buddy) is yours. Where to eat, where to visit, who to talk to, it’s all up to you. This can be a little daunting at first but nothing builds confidence quite like independence and self-reliance. See! you can be in charge. You probably just didn’t realise you had it in you.


In summary, what will travelling do for your confidence levels?
Well, you are out of your comfort zone, you’re making decisions for yourself and communicating with all sorts of people, from bargaining prices with street vendors to socialising with strangers. You are going to unfamiliar places alone, bonding and friendship building with people along the way. You are dealing with money and possibly holding a job, adding further responsibility to your confidence building CV. All of these experiences add up and develop your confidence beyond measure. Now, grab that passport that’s gathering dust and go change yourself for the better.

Stay Confident,


If you got value from this post, feel free to share this with your friends and family. Plus, check out the other blog posts on this website covering other confidence related subjects.

How to Smash Your Goals Despite the 9-5 Grind

The dreaded 9-5 eh! Or maybe not so dreaded, it’s up to you. We all have our opinions on work and that’s great, we all have to work someway or the other, but my god! It can very easily come between you and your passions and hobbies. Making time for extra curricular activities can easily become a pain after spending 8 hours in a place that doesn’t contribute to your goals, dreams and desires. Many of us feel deflated after a 9-5 and I’m with you. Confidence Unleashed is my side project that I have to make time for at the beginning or end of a long day and believe me, the temptation to sit down and chill to watch the Simpsons on channel 4 is a hard fight.

Alas, if we are to achieve what we want to achieve in this life we must be proactive and put the work in. Which is why to help with this dilemma, I have compiled 7 of my best ways to ensure I smash my goals (short and long term) even though that pesky day job gets in the way for 8 hours (usually). So, we’ve clocked in and you have your morning coffee. The clock strikes 9am so let’s get to it.

  1. Get Out of Bed at Least Half an Hour Earlier Than You Usually Do.

For me, there’s nothing worse on a morning than your alarm going off and you immediately have to get out of bed and get to work. Rather, take some time to ‘come round’ in the morning, ease out of bed and start working on your goals. Being productive in the morning before you get to work makes you feel better because you are actively working towards something that means a lot to you, one small step at a time. Small steps towards your goals are definitely better than not working on them at all. An example I use to help the morning transition is to set my Alexa. Yes, I’m one of those guys who has one, and I set my alarm on it to play Smooth radio. This station plays more relaxed, but upbeat music which really helps with waking up gradually (instead of jarringly) and allows you to feel more relaxed when the push to get out of bed arrives.

2. Think of the End Goal

This is a biggie and thoroughly deserves a mention. When you are working towards something it is most often a long term goal that is hard to appreciate when the progress is slow and gradual. As long as you persistently work towards your goal, even 10 minutes a day, you will get there far quicker than someone who gives up!
We all fall by the way-side, more than once as well. The key is to not lose sight of your end goal and keep going.
The first example that comes to my mind is when you see those bronzed Adonises and Grecian queens on the front cover of every magazine who inconveniently smile at you while you wait in line to buy your stuffed crust pizza at your local super market. Getting to that level of aesthetic for your body takes a lot of time and dedication, so you are not going to see results straight away. However, that doesn’t stop us from getting demotivated when we don’t see results after three weeks. You really need to keep at it, through trials and tribulations and you will get there.

3. Ensure You Are Productive With Your Time.

The feeling of being productive is addictive. I don’t know about you, but if I sit and watch videos on YouTube all day (you know the ones, fail compilations, let’s plays, and ‘See what happens when…..’) I end up feeling crap! Why? Because I haven’t worked towards my goals or anything that has really benefited me or my situation.
The minute I start being productive and completing small tasks that help me tick off short/long term goals, I immediately feel better about everything in general and I want to carry on. Writing this post now is making me feel great because I’m doing something I enjoy and adding value to people (hopefully) makes me happy.
Try to find even ten minutes in your day to add towards completing a task that’s important to you. You don’t have to dedicate hours.
An added benefit to feeling great after being productive is you approach life a little differently. If someone wanted to talk to you about something and you were annoyed at yourself for not working towards your goals, how will you react to that situation compared to when you have spared 20 minutes to work on something productive? You will be a lot more relaxed and approachable and the other person will come away from the encounter better off.

4. Remember That Procrastination is the Enemy.

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, dog. You name it, and it can easily distract you, especially if you are stuck at a certain point on your journey towards goal accomplishment, and it’s oh so easy to procrastinate and take a trip down the rabbit hole of ‘Let’s play’ videos (for you gamers out there) and before you know it, it’s midnight and you have nothing to show for your evening.
Don’t worry though, we’ve all been there, otherwise it wouldn’t be in this blog. Picture, in your mind’s eye, what the end goal will look like (or your best guess) and try to feel what it will feel like to achieve this goal you have set. Remember those images and feelings and in times of procrastination, go back to those images and feelings and tell yourself that you will experience it in reality. It is a great way to readjust onto your correct path.
A very simple but very effective example to accompany this point could be to write the word ‘Remember’ on a post-it note and have it stuck somewhere in your eye-line in your room, or your house. When you see it, it will act as a gentle reminder to crack on and put some time into your goals and aspirations, because it won’t come to you, you have to work for it.

5. Have Something to Look Forward to.

Have something to look forward to on an evening (a sort of ritual, maybe) in order to keep your spirits high. Examples of this could be looking forward to a beer when you get home, a particular meal you are preparing, walking the dog along your favourite scenic route, a phone call to your parents or siblings, going to the cinema. Anything you can use to keep happy is useful, it doesn’t matter how silly, as long as it works for you.
Motivation, like most things in life, comes in peaks and troughs and keeping motivated is a real skill, especially when surrounded by distraction. That’s why keeping yourself happy, or at least content with life is extremely important. The lower your motivation, the less likely you are going to be bothered doing anything you don’t have to.
Nothing kills your progress quite like demotivation.

6. Realise That You are Only at Your Job For 8 Hours (typically).

Feel free to replace ‘8’ with the hours you tend to work, so as to apply this to yourself.

This one was explained to me by a great friend of mine who I work with. He told me that we are only at our day-jobs for 8 hours (for most of us) out of the total 24, so make the most of the remaining 16 hours, and there is no point getting worked up about what amounts to a third of your total day. It’s such a shame that we often allow (myself more than included in this) that one third of our day to dictate how we feel about the remaining two thirds.
This is easier than it sounds, though. As 8 hours is still a long enough time to be doing something you don’t want to be, but a small mind-set change like this can greatly help you retain mental composure and keep you mentally healthy for working on the things you actually want to when you get home.

7. Tell Yourself That You Will Rest………….. Tomorrow.

This is a little trick I often use. Tell yourself that you will work on your goals today and you will reward yourself by resting tomorrow. I guarantee, that most of the time you will be so proud that you worked towards your goals that you will do it the next day also, and the next day and the day after that, with the same promise to rest the next day. Of course, eventually you will rest because you really need to, but mostly you will keep up that great, productive feeling going while the momentum is high.

The 9-5 grind is an especially hard obstacle to overcome, especially if you find it draining by the time you leave for the day, only ever-deflated in the knowledge that you will do it all over again the next day, eagerly counting down to the weekend. But, this list should help you in some small way to ensuring you fit your goals and aspirations into your daily life so that you eventually achieve them. I sincerely hope you do.

Stay Confident,

Luke (Confidence Unleashed).

5 Tips to Increased Happiness

What does happiness mean to you? To some It can mean pure elation, to others it could mean being content in your current situation, but to me happiness is the feeling from a fulfilling life. This doesn’t mean that everything in your life has to be fulfilling.

You might feel fulfilled being in your perfect job, having a great social life, or travelling the world. All of which are awesome things to feel fulfilled about. This doesn’t mean you have to feel fulfilled 100% of the time, all day every day, because let’s be real, life can be crap and get you down.

You’ve got overdue bills to pay, you didn’t get the job you interviewed for, or you just generally don’t feel great today (for example, hitting your toe on the side of the bed, which has literally just happened to me and I’m writing this through held back tears!).

The trick is to find fulfillment in the every-day little things. Don’t get bogged down and depressed because you’re not exactly where you want to be in life right now or things may not be going your way for the time being. Just remember than no one is completely fulfilled 100% of the time, that’s not normal and unattainable, not to mention quite unhealthy.

If you feel unhappy and unfulfilled, here are some of my top tips to turning that around that you can use TODAY to increase your level of happiness.

Tip #1: Have a ‘Why’

Have direction, something to work for, a life with a sense of purpose, and work towards it. I’m not saying that you should migrate to China and live in a monastery (I actually know someone who did this) but have something to give purpose to your life. This could be the ‘everyday things’ such as striving to see your friends and family more or saving for a house. Other instances I know that give people direction and joy are charity work, striving for your dream job, being free from work to be your own boss, going for a Guinness world Record even!

Tip #2: Start Your Days Right

This is very important because if you don’t start off right, it will only snowball throughout the day. You want to start it off right so that it snowballs into something productive and worthwhile. This is obviously subjective. Some people have a big breakfast to get them going, some skip breakfast and work their best, some people go to the gym at 5:30 and others meditate. By far and away the most popular way to start the day for most people is to have a cup of coffee for that ‘wake me up’ hit, in order to get that boost of motivation and confidence to take on what the next 12 hours may bring. Experiment with different activities and routines and see which has the greatest effect on you.

Tip #3: Don’t Fixate on Money

Don’t get me wrong, we all do it at some point. Money allows us to live our lives in relative comfort, and money means we eat, but money will only bring happiness to some and not others. For example, someone with very low amounts of money will be made happier in the short term by a large amount of money, but someone who earns £250,000 and comes into more money will not be as affected. What is worse, is that some people compromise their health and happiness in the pursuit of money which Is a fairly toxic habit to get into. I’m not going to say it’s the route of all evil, but don’t let the desire to have it (and more) consume you, because you will never be satisfied.

Tip #4: Surround Yourself With People Who Make You Happy

This can be family and friends, or a community. A great example of this could be a sports team you are part of, a volunteer group, your church. Anywhere you have like-minded people you can socialise and bond with. A great place to start is They have tons of groups all over the UK spanning many interests that I couldn’t possibly list here. Check it out and see what groups are near you. There’s bound to be a group you like the sound of within touching distance, or thereabouts. The homepage as of typing this, states ‘What do you love? do more of it with meetup’, need I say more?

Tip #5: See the Positive When it’s Easier to See the Negative

The following example is dedicated to all those heroes who have had kids. If you are bringing up a child, you have lots of good times, but you also have to deal with nappy changes, incessant crying and temper tantrums, do you see yourself as a slave to this mini human or a protector/nurturer of this little lifeform? You can also think of this as ‘see the challenge, NOT the obstacle’. This is for example purposes, I’m sure you love your kids, but can you see how a mindset change can alter how you would react to sitautions? And ultimately change how you feel, and approach life?

Did you like these tips? If so, make sure you comment below and share this post with your friends….

Stay Confident,


How to Live For Today and Not Worry About Tomorrow (or Yesterday)

Happy the man and happy he alone

He, who can call today his own:

He who, secure within can say:

“Tomorrow do thy worst, for i have lived today”


Why do we worry so much about what has been, what may come, what we cannot control? We do this to such an extent that we don’t live in the current moment. We are not enjoying our time with our partners, our families or our friends because our minds are fixated on everything else, panicking about the future of which we can do very little about. Causing ourselves to mentally tire out and even make ourselves ill with worry. We let precious moments pass us by only to lament doing so at a later date.

The poem above, written by the Roman poet Horace, is a 2000 year old indication that this worry is nothing new, so how can we overcome it?

The clue is in the last line of his poem ‘Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today’. Ensuring we live our best life today and not give power to the stresses that tomorrow may bring. So, the key is to live in deliberate, one-day segments. Know what you must do for this day alone, by all means this can include preparing for days to come, such as arranging a holiday, but do not dedicate so much time that you forget that you are meant to enjoy life in the now.

The key is to not fill our day with too much ‘stuff’ and to live in one day segments. We do this by:

Planning your day, the afternoon before, and tick off every accomplishment as you go.
This helps you track your progress visually, and gives a sense of achievement to carry on. There are tons of apps that can help you do this, but one that I particularly like to use is One Note, simply for its simplicity. Just go to your app store for whichever platform you are on and search for ‘to-do list’ or ‘planner’ and try a few out.

Remembering that every day is a new life to a wise man.
I forget where I read this, but it has stayed with me for years and I find it quite profound. It tells me that there’s ample opportunity to start over anew each day. There’s a reason why the phrase ‘sleep on it’ is so famous, because after you have recharged your batteries for a new day, you are more refreshed, positive and confident to take challenges on.

Waking up early.
I know, I know, this is an unpopular one. Especially with students (been there too), but tell me you don’t feel great in being up early and productive. Okay, the getting out of bed part is crap, especially in winter, but once you are up and have had your coffee (more on this at the end), you feel great that you accomplished the first small task of the day. Now onto the next one on your list.

Not working too late or too early.
This differs from person to person, but personally I shudder at the thought of starting my tasks at 3 am, whereas the next person may relish it, and I stop working (for example, learning new computer skills, learning a language) at 7:30pm and have the rest of the evening as ‘my time’ to do things other than work. We all need this time to unwind and enjoy other things such as the people around us, and I’ve stuck to my one – day segment.

Take the time to slow down.
Yep, if you’re anything like me then you will have a tendency to think about a million things at once and get stuck in ‘analysis paralysis’ and before you know it, three hours have passed by and you have nothing to show for it. Take time to sit down and relax, have a cuppa (cup of tea for anyone reading this from outside the UK) and stop trying to fill every second of the day with stimulus. You will find that you will be much more confident, satisfied, happy and productive if you stop chasing ‘feelings and stimulus’ constantly and accept that feelings, good or bad are fleeting, you will be much more at ease and your mind will relax. Preventing you from mentally burning out.

Forget your worries of tomorrow and don’t stew over yesterday. Yesterday has gone and you can’t control it, win or lose, we take lessons from yesterday and apply them to today. This is easier said than done, but it’s the only way yesterday can be of any value to us. The worries of tomorrow also have no power over us if we concentrate on one-day segments. Again, this takes practice and may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it works wonders for me :D.

Reward yourself for your accomplishments in your one- day segment.
Been to the gym? Reward yourself with your favourite healthy meal, completed your tax return? Have a beer (as long as your to-do list doesn’t include driving afterward), this could even be your favourite takeaway (maybe do this at the end of a five day streak, as much as I love pizza I think having it every day would destroy me).

Don’t get me wrong, there are things in life that are incredibly important that require prior planning, and to ignore them is silly, such as paying the mortgage, and you’re not going to solve that in just one day, but break it down into day-tight sections and gradually chip away at the bigger tasks. Seeing progress being made in this way gives you a ‘pick-me-up’ and keeps you motivated to continue and smash your task.

The above tips give you more control over your day – to – day life, and give you a confident air of calm about you as you look like (and do have!) your sh*t together that little bit more.

Stay Confident


Overcoming Ego Threat

We’ve all had situations where we have dreaded the outcome if it didn’t go our way, and *GASP* what would people say and think of us as a result. Am I right?
In this blog post I’m going to talk about ego threat and how to combat it, so you can perform like a cool, confidence oozing machine :D.

Now, everyone on this earth has an ego to some degree, and no one enjoys the feeling of their ego being threatened. Let’s be honest, our ego is a big part of ourselves and therefore, we intertwine our ego with our sense of identity. Ergo, our very sense of self is questioned if we were dealt with a set of circumstances which we see as a threat.
For example, the thought of getting bad grades in an exam will be an ego threat to someone who prides themselves on being a good student, or an upcoming presentation at work may give you the shivers because if you do poorly, your reputation at the company may take a hit and the boss may think differently of you.

The 6 Ps. Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Preparation is a key part of eroding ego threat. The more you practice something, the better you are going to be at it. The better you are at something, the more confident you are at that chosen task. The more confident you are, the better received you will be by your peers and by yourself. A great example of this is for interviews. Have you heard of anyone who hasn’t prepared at all for an interview, and just rolled up and aced it? If you have, shake that person’s hand because that is incredible, but I’m willing to bet that they are not telling the truth. I know that whenever I’ve had an interview, I prepare for it as soon as I get the confirmation of a date and time. It can be as simple as Googling ‘Top exam questions and answers’ or watching interview techniques on Youtube. One thing I have done is to sit down with a friend who would ask me these questions so that I could physically speak the answers instead of going over them in my head. Was I still a little nervous? You bet I was! But was I confident going in there? Oh Yes! Did I get the job? ……………..

Realise you are more than the issue at hand.

Pick a time when you’re brain power is at its best. For some this is first thing in the morning, for those of us who are a bit more normal (joke) it may be around midday or the early afternoon/evening. At this time grab a piece of paper and write down what’s important to you that ISN’T related to the issue that’s causing you stress. It can be things such as being a good parent, a community leader, a care giver, a great friend to someone in need, a volunteer etc.
Writing these things down will allow you to realise that there’s so much more to you than the issue at hand, and that if things don’t go your way it’s not the end of the world because there’s so much more to you to be excited about. Yes, it may hurt or annoy you in the short term, but rest assured that it doesn’t define who you are.

Disassociate from the issue

This one will take a little bit of imagination (another reason to do this when your brain power is at its best).
Put yourself in a quiet room (less distractions) or as near to it (do I hear screaming kids in the background?), close your eyes and picture the event is happening. It’s still happening to you in this image, but you are separated from your body. You are a third party watching yourself (what did I say about that brain power eh!). Imagine you are watching it in a cinema, and you are the star of the movie. Imagine yourself acing whatever it is causing you grief and how you intend to handle it. Imagine it has gone incredibly well. How do you feel for this character? I can bet you will be sitting with your eyes closed and smiling. Take notice of how great it feels to do well. Hold onto that feeling and take it with you to confront the stressful situation.
Professional athletes do this all the time. They visualise how they will knock their opponent out, how they will take a specific corner in a race or what it will feel and look like to lift that trophy. By no means does it guarantee victory, it does however put you in a better, more positive mindset of self-worth, giving you licence to be at your best.

I hope you got great value from this post. If you want to learn more about dealing with other issues regarding confidence, check out my other posts.

Stay Confident,


5 Awesome Steps to Body Confidence (Without a gym membership!)

I know this site is called Confidence Unleashed, but let’s be honest, gyms (that’s gymnasiums for some of us older types) can be a hotbed of testosterone, grunts and groans of torture, ego and sweat, which is a no-no for some (probably most!) and I don’t blame you. We’ll work up to the sort of mindsets that will help with surviving and conquering places such as the gym, but for now, we’ve taken a look at how much a gym membership costs, gasped! And decided to go without. However, you still want to improve your body image so what do you do? Well, the rest of this post will address the four main ways I went about improving my body without a gym membership.
I should mention that I currently do have a gym membership, but when I didn’t, these tips helped me the most. Also, by no means am I a fitness expert. If you are unsure about whether doing exercise is safe for you, please consult your doctor.

1. Exercise at home.

Yes, the gym has all the fancy equipment and can pretty much cater to any muscle you want to work on, but there are a host of exercises that you can do in the living room/ garden/garage/ bedroom 😉 that can have a great affect. Due to the fact you are at home and have minimal equipment you will be doing body weight exercises. My favourites are body-weight squats, press ups (push ups for Americans), kettlebell exercises and high intensity cardio in the form of sprinting on the spot and mountain climbers. There’s so much more you can add to your arsenal but I find the above, do me just fine and get the heart racing.

2. Drink Water.

This one is imperative but seems to go under the radar. Take a quick think about how much water you drink each day. Do you always have a drink by your side at your desk or do you neglect this translucent nectar until you get home or when you get really thirsty? The recommended daily intake of water is eight 8 ounce glasses for the average person ( Of course it’s more individualistic than this due to your sex, your level of activity and whether you live in warmer climes etc but as a good start, the 8×8 rule is great. Can I just say, though, that you shouldn’t force feed yourself water until you become bloated, take any subtle hints from your body. If you feel a little thirsty, have a glass of water, simple right?
This allows your body to function better as your metabolic rate will increase, your joints will be well lubricated (making the exercises mentioned above easier and reduce likelihood of pain), improves skin complexion making your skin look and feel younger, and generally allows your body to function better.

Extra top tip! If you find water rather boring, try cutting up pieces of fruits such as lemons, limes, strawberries and melons and putting them into your glass of water to make a refreshing drink.

Photo by Kaizen Nguyen on Unsplash

3. Increase vegetable intake.

Ah vegetables, the bane of many children’s lives. All those hours spent by parents fighting the futile battle of getting their kids to eat their veggies is one that is worthwhile. We all know that vegetables are good for our health, but for the most part they don’t taste all that great compared to the take-away kings such as pizza, burgers and a kebab. Personally, I love vegetables and have them with 99% of my meals. Broccoli is BY FAR the king of veggies for me, PACKED with nutrients and goes well in salads, stir-fries and soups, so it’s very versatile. Other great veggies include carrots, garden peas, cabbage, spinach and sweet potatoes. Told you I have them with 99% of my meals! Why not try including more vegetables into your diet. Play with different combinations to accompany some chicken? Another thing I like to do is sprinkle some herbs and/or spices over vegetables, such as Italian herb mixes and paprika (available in most large supermarkets). This isn’t to everyone’s taste but have fun and give it a go, you never know what masterful combination you may come up with.

4. Sleep.

May seem like a random one this, but hear me out. Have you ever had a poor night’s sleep and woken up tired, fed up and unmotivated? Yep! We all have. Sleep is the time in which your body rests and repairs itself ready for the vigour that the next day may bring.
Let’s say you have been doing your exercises at home for a few days or weeks now, you’re feeling good that you are working towards your health goals and your motivation is through the roof. However, you’re not getting enough sleep, which can be anything from 6 to 8 hours depending on the individual. This can wreak havoc on your body goals as lack of sleep releases more of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn lowers the level of growth hormones, meaning your muscles and super sleek abs are not developing as much as your efforts would suggest. Plus, with higher levels of stress hormones floating around inside you, you are much less likely to feel motivated to crack on with your exercises and water intake, so make sure you find out what your optimum sleep duration is and do your best to get it every night. Of course you won’t be able to do this ALL the time (late night pub crawl anyone?) but we can let you off for straying from the path sometimes.

5. Patience.

All of the above are, in my opinion, the biggest factors in helping me on my body improvement journey when I didn’t have a gym membership. However, it doesn’t happen overnight. This takes a lot of time, motivation and dedication so you need to be patient. You may not see results until after a month but if you keep at it, you will definitely see them. It is likely that other people will notice your results before you do, as the changes are so slight and will eventually manifest into something large enough that you will then notice. Don’t allow yourself to get disheartened, as the cliché goes ‘anything worth having doesn’t come easy’ and just think of the enormous sense of achievement you will feel when you reach your goal. Who knows, you may even inspire others to reach for the stars too!

I hope that you found some value from this post. If you want to read about more confidence issues and how to overcome them, check out my other blog posts.

Stay Confident,



6 Tips for Post Holiday, Back to Work Confidence

Holidays, aren’t they the best! All that food, drink, activities and great times with great people old and new. Then all of a sudden, clunk! Your alarm clock goes off, you fumble around to turn the alarm off, slump out of bed, get dressed and join the rat race to get to work.
You get to work after a stressful commute with other equally stressed commuters, sit down at your desk and you feel this weight of dread slowly encompass you. That’s right, reality has hit and it’s no longer happy holiday time.

You have a meeting, a presentation to make, a conference call and a shed load of work to get through before the day is over. Stress is building and the positivity you obtained over the holiday is starting to wane.

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there at some point.

There are many reasons people get stressed at work, mainly office politics with peers, the general 9-5 slog and huge/tiny workloads. For this post however, I’ll focus on getting you through the first day of general work. By the way, these ideas can be used on any day if you wish, but I have found them to hold particular strength on the first day back when people are most vulnerable to feeling the blues.

How to be positive and confident on your return.

The best way to ease the transition back into the working week is to keep a positive mindset. Now I know I can hear everyone reading this yelling ‘I know that already!’ but if you stay with me I will give you 6 tips I personally use to keep those stress demons away and allow myself to be at my most confident, productive self.

1.  It begins the moment you wake up.
Choose a more soothing alarm tone on your phone rather than the traditional ‘ERGH ERGH ERGH’ of the usual alarm clock. This way you can allow yourself to wake up in a better mood, more tranquil, more positive and less abruptly. Make sure to get a shower, use grooming products such as skin cream and put on some fresh, clean clothes. This will make you feel refreshed and awake and will give you a stronger sense of pride in your appearance. Before or after you have got dressed and ready to hit the road, take just a couple of minutes to look at yourself in the mirror. Make eye contact with yourself. Smile, and tell yourself that you are going to own this day, you are going to put your all into making this a good day for yourself. This can have such a profound effect on your mental state before you even get to work, a sort of pre-emptive strike of positivity.

2. Breakfast.
An obvious one, granted. Breakfast is often overlooked as that ‘thing’ you’re supposed to do in a morning but gets in the way. Make time for it, even if it’s a slice of toast with jam on. Eating releases chemicals in the brain such as endorphins and dopamine, that give you an added boost to your mood.

7 Tips for Post Holiday, Back to Work Confidence
Photo by Whitney Wright

listening to music can be a great help to sustaining a happy medium. My advice would be to do this intermittently however as it can be a little anti-social, especially on a day when people may be interested to talk to you about your holidays, so use it sparingly.I personally LOVE metal music. I find it’s the only kind of music that fires me up ready to take on whatever the day brings. However, if the idea of headbanging your day away and possibly wrecking your desk and/or neck sounds awful then by all means choose a genre of music that puts you in the best state of mind. Maybe you prefer some classical music to gently float through the day, or maybe some rap/hip hop to groove to.

4.Avoid clock watching.
Seriously, the sooner you do this after you arrive you are in a whole world of torment. Crack on with your work and the time will pass.

5.Keep hydrated.
Sounds strange this one, no? It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily routine that the feeling of thirst can creep up on you. This is your body’s way of saying ‘I need water NOW!’ and considering that our bodies are 80% water and just a 2% drop can incur headaches, fatigue and lack of concentration you owe it to yourself to keep hydrated to get through the day to keep at the top of your game and maintain a confident aura.

6.Keep smiling/stay positive.
The importance of staying happy is essential albeit quite tough sometimes, especially on those days when nothing seems to be going your way. Remember the mirror tip I mentioned earlier? Well, when you take your bathroom break, look yourself in the mirror, smile and re-affirm yourself either out loud or in your head. Tell yourself you have your work under control and you are the boss of your work, you are going to show your workload who is boss!

Bonus Tip!
A little technique I like to use is to have post it notes around my desk saying encouraging things. You are being your own motivator, I believe that if the encouraging messages come from yourself it means a lot more to you, because you are in charge of you and you only want the best for yourself right?

There are plenty of other techniques I like to use but this blog post would become a novel pretty quickly, and you don’t want that right? You have a busy day ahead. Have a great day!

Featured Image by Steve Halama